Design: Whiskey RebellionThis design fits more in the subtle category, or IYKYK! For those of you that didn't ace your history exams, the Whiskey Rebellion started back in 1791, after the newly formed federal government decided to levy a tax on whiskey. The tax was the first tax imposed on a domestic product, and lets face it, we had just fought a war over taxes and were not having it! Ultimately the federal government suppressed the rebellion after Washington led 13000 militia members to western PA. This is a shirt that isn't in your face, and will be appreciated by all who actually know what it represents. Maybe it will even start up a few conversations about what it is about, where you can show of your history knowledge. One of the fist protest flags against the federal government, wear it proudly.
Lets face it, you have to wear
something, so why not wear something that says something. Do you get me? The shooting community is a great group of
people that are passionate about many things, so we’ve taken it upon ourselves
to come up with some awesome apparel designs that you will love to wear, be
seen in, and give to your friends/family/shooting buddies. On top of that, we give you options so you
can make your shirt truly a one of a kind custom shirt, just like everything else
we offer. Choose from different
quality/blends, styles, and colors to come up with something that fits you and
your personality. Designs are applied
using state of the art processes that allow us to make each piece custom
without sacrificing quality, looks, or longevity. These shirts will look great for a long
time. As with any custom shirt, they
should be washed inside out, and for longest lasting service life dried on low
heat or simply hung up to dry.