Our engraved AR ejection port dust covers are second to none, and we are continuing in our quality tradition by introducing the UAP Invasion Response Team engraved ejection port doors that show off your Rifle. Our graphic design team is getting busy and creating some of the best looking AR-15 dust covers available. These designs are sure to turn heads and turn the clunky old dust cover into a work of art on your rifle. These AR15 ejection port covers are engraved with an industrial laser that oxides the coating to create a permanent, rust proof, bright and shiny image on your rifle. Don't settle for the inferior covers that look dull and tarnished, get the real deal here. Perfect for showing off your new rifle, or rekindling some love for an older one. These covers are sure to start conversations at the range every time you pull your AR out. Covers shown is Cerakote Black.