These AR15 ejection port covers are engraved with an industrial laser that oxides the coating to create a permanent, rust proof, bright and shiny image on your rifle. Don't settle for the inferior engraved covers that look dull and tarnished, get the real deal here. Perfect for showing off your new rifle, or rekindling some love for an older one. These covers are sure to start conversations at the range every time you pull your AR out. Practical applications include keeping your calibers straight so you load the right ammo, or designating your AR from others at the range, especially for LEO/Military guys where every rifle looks the same.
-Marked with .458 SOCOM on the inside and outside-Sleek professional markings easily identify caliber-Manufactured and engraved in the USA
Optional Parts Get the cover only if you are replacing a dust cover on your upper, or purchase a kit with the rod, spring, c-clip, or a complete upper parts kit including the forward assist, spring, and pin.
Cerakote Options Get the best looking dust cover currently made with a cerakoted finish. Cerakote is one of the most durable aftermarket finishes available currently. The dust cover will be cerakoted first, then engraved. The engraving will show up as a silver color.
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